Lexmark Optra

Marcelo Reyna


Cloud Infrastructure Architect

Web Developer




What is Optra?

Optra is an AI platform that makes it easy for anyone to manage edge devices with AI/ML capabilities from the comfort of a centralized web UI. The applications of the technology are endless; from simple things like playing music in stores to capturing complex metrics in a manufacturing line.

My involvement

I built the entire platform's infrastructure and backend from the ground up. The main goal was to ensure scalability. To do this, I recommended the use of AWS Lambda, FaunaDB, and Pulumi (IaC) as the core technologies. This has so far ensured the system can withstand high levels of burst activity and fault tolerance (due to the nature of serverless infrastructure). To date, I lead a team of developers, continue to do development work across the entire stack, and run workshops to align client expectations.

The Results

The Optra platform has grown considerably since it started. It all began with essential features for managing large IoT fleets but since then we've been able to capture device sensor and event data to now able to produce useful, custom, and client-facing interfaces for other large customers. Big-data charts, en-masse module deployments, and custom AI interfaces are the tip of the iceberg; the platform is used by Lexmark to sell vision-based AI projects.
At the crux of it all, this project has aligned with my personal interests in a big way. Touching on Internet of Things, Machine Learning, and Infrastructure as Code for retail and manufacturing.
You can read more about the amazing impact the technology has had so far at https://optra.com
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Posted Feb 7, 2024

Built an IoT platform for running AI/ML models at the edge at massive scale








Cloud Infrastructure Architect

Web Developer


