Client Acquisition through SEO

Aiman Nisar


Content Writer


SEO Writer

Google Search Console

Hemingway App

Hi, My name is Aiman Nisar. I’m a Microbiologist turned Copywriter turned Founder. And this is how Google became my #1 client acquisition channel.


This is a case study on my freelancing success journey as a service-based business. The purpose of this case study is to guide you, the business owner, of the lost potential of SEO to hopefully, one day, help you incorporate this in your marketing strategy.

How I started?

So I started freelance copywriting back in September 2020 and chose “Life Sciences & Biotech” as my niche, because of two primary reasons:
I have an educational background in Life Sciences. I could understand scientific terminologies and write compelling copy around complicated topics.
There has always been a sufficient need for jargonless and clear copy in the Biotech space because most Biotech content is highly technical and difficult to understand by non-medical folks like potential investors.

Portfolio website:

Now I needed a portfolio website to look more professional. I set one up and wrote its copy.
The domain I chose was: (no longer available)
I put my SEO and copywriting skills to use while writing the 5-paged web copy, revised it multiple times, published it online, and forgot about it.
until a few weeks later...


I googled “biotech copywriter”.
And, there was my website ranking in the Google featured snippet, and also below that.
Seeing my website on the top of the page, above my competitors was the best feeling ever.
I then googled “life science copywriter”, and the results were the same.

Ranking #1

My website was ranking #1 on the first page of Google for the top search phrases my potential clients from North America, Europe, and East Asia use, to look for Biotech copywriting services.
They were low-volume, yet high-intent keywords.

Reconfirm from isearchfrom

I double-checked my rankings through VPN and a good website called, which further proved my rankings in regions like the USA, Indonesia, etc.
Here are the pictures:

Social media pages ranking #1

I learned social media pages can rank on search engines as well, so I optimized my LinkedIn headline, Instagram name, Twitter, and Pinterest profiles, and ranked all of them on Google’s first page.

I also published my story as an article

which still ranks internationally on Google for multiple keywords, to this day, and is a continuous source of inquiries to me.

Search console analytics

As you can see, most of my website visitors came from organic search, about 130 every month.
This is a bad number for a product-based business. But for a service-based freelance business like mine, 130 potential clients per month visiting my website is an excellent number.
I just needed to convert them.
And I did...
Search console analytics
Search console analytics

Website copy

I wrote short paragraphs, esp bullet points.
I made it easy to navigate through the website and worked on UX too.
The website’s bounce rate was somewhere between 25-45%.
Below every page was a clear CTA, to lead the visitor to the next one, and so on till the contact page.

Tracking progress/ leads

On the contact page, I put a contact form, where it was compulsory to answer one question:
Where did you hear about me?”
And that’s when I started tracking my prospect's footprints.
Here are the responses I got:
And many more per month:
And, Google became my #1 Client Acquisition channel

Skills and tools:

It involved
SEO auditing
SM SEO optimization
Google search console
and, some of our top-secret sauces
If I can do it for my freelancing business, I can do it for you too.
Whether your goal is:
brand awareness
brand authority
lead generation
client acquisition
I got you.
Inbox me now to get started.
Like this project

Posted Mar 4, 2024

This is a case study on my freelancing success journey and how Google became my number one client acquisition channel. Here is the proof that SEO works wonders.






Content Writer


SEO Writer

Google Search Console

Hemingway App

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