Llama 3 PDF RAG Application

Sree Narayanan

AI Application Developer
Web Developer
Amazon EC2

Doc Chat

Doc Chat is an AI-powered app that enables users to interact with and extract insights from PDF documents via a chat interface. Leveraging Groq AI, users can upload PDFs and ask context-based questions to get accurate information.

Upload a PDF and you can ask questions about it

Try it out here: https://groq-llama3-pdf-rag.streamlit.app/

Key Features

  • PDF Upload and Processing: Supports multiple PDF uploads for AI interrogation.
  • Reference and Context Display: Shows context and document references used by the AI.
  • Model Selection: Offers various Groq AI models for optimal performance.
  • Powered by FAISS: Utilizes FAISS for efficient similarity search and vector storage.

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: Streamlit
  • Backend: Groq AI
  • Libraries: Streamlit-Option-Menu, Langchain, FAISS
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