Full-stack & ML Engineer: Top-tier Solutions

Branding AI - Next.JS + FastAPI SaaS with Gemini AI
Branding AI - Next.JS + FastAPI SaaS with Gemini AI

This project uses AI to generate branding snippets and keywords for the customer's brand. Next.js | FastAPI | AWS Lambda | TypeScript

Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer
Google Gemini

Llama 3 Finetune and AWQ Quantization
Llama 3 Finetune and AWQ Quantization

I fine-tuned the Llama 3 8B base model using Nvidia's ChatQA dataset and applied AWQ 4-bit quantization for efficient inference. Available in HuggingFace.

ML Engineer
AI Model Developer

Llama 3 PDF RAG Application
Llama 3 PDF RAG Application

RAG based generative AI application that allows to chat with PDF documents. Developed using Streamlit and Groq AI Inference technology.

AI Application Developer
Web Developer
Amazon EC2

Movie Booking Vue.js App with Flask + Redis Server Back-end
Movie Booking Vue.js App with Flask + Redis Server Back-end

Modern App Development 2 Project with VueJS frontend, and Flask and Redis backend.

Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer