team bios

Zareena Zaidi


Content Writer

Google Apps



Project Overview

While working as a content writer at ParentSquare, I introduced the idea of and developed the process for team bios (titled "Meet the Team Mondays"). This project was inspired to highlight and humanize the incredible team behind the software product.
To begin, I created a survey via Google Forms with various questions inspired by the famous "36 questions theory" in social psychology research. I included a variety of questions and let individuals pick which questions resonated most with them. I sent this form to staff via email and slack.
Each bio post contained the following components:
their name, job title and a brief description of what their role entails
the questions they chose to answer (along with their responses of course!)
their response to the question "What do you like most about working for ParentSquare?"
their start date at the company
at least two photos:
After posting the blog piece on ParentSquare's company blog via Squarespace, I would create an Instagram post to accompany the team bio piece, helping to solidify their social media presence and drive traffic to ParentSquare's blog.


Here are a few of the team bios I created for ParentSquare:
Here are some of the "Meet The Team" Instagram posts I created:
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"Meet the Team" posts featuring ParentSquare staff to highlight and humanize the team behind the software product






Content Writer

Google Apps



Zareena Zaidi

copywriter & content writer

skincare product launch [email, product description & more!]
skincare product launch [email, product description & more!]
email copy | writing club
email copy | writing club
website copy
website copy
blog posts
blog posts