
Seyi Owolawi

Brand Strategist
Creative Director
Microsoft Word

Play. Know. Grow.

How we served the world the sporting life partner for people of colour.

Weusi is the sporting life-partner for people of color.

When our client, James Dodson, approached a small studio, he had a vision for a brand without a name, identity, or visual language. The challenge was ambitious—merge his diverse passions for sports (particularly Squash), black culture, history, and international travel into a singular, harmonious brand. Our task was to craft this identity speaking these three languages: sports, culture, and global experiences.

To delve deep into James's world, we conducted stakeholder interviews involving family, loved ones, colleagues, and professional Squash athletes. Eight interviews in one week painted a holistic picture of James's life and why he was the perfect visionary for this venture. Guiding James through our Identity Architecture Workshop, we synthesized his myriad ideas into a unified platform. This intensive process laid the foundation for a brand that would seamlessly speak to sports enthusiasts, celebrate black culture, and evoke the spirit of international exploration.

"If James Dodson builds any business, it will be focused on doing a lot of good in the world." - Stakeholder

The workshop yielded a diverse range of company names, with "Weusi" emerging as the chosen one. Pronounced as "Way You See," it encapsulates the Swahili essence of "Blackness; togetherness."

We compiled an Identity Report for Weusi, encompassing the brand's Identity, Tone of Voice, Stance, Personality, Mission Statement, and much more. This comprehensive document became our roadmap for maintaining focus, aligning James's vision with a powerful and cohesive brand & visual identity.

In the end, "Weusi" not only became a reflection of James's passions but a brand that speaks the languages of sports, culture, and global exploration fluently, resonating with its diverse audience. The success of this project lies in the seamless fusion of individuality and universality, achieved through our collaborative efforts in defining and shaping the identity of Weusi.

"The identity architecture process supported me in seeing my vision more clearly. It made me move forward faster, more confidently to engage a global sport movement with a sense of well-being."- James Dodson

Let’s talk strategy.

Schedule a call with our Identity Architect and see if it makes sense to work together.

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