Contra Product Ambassador

Temitayo Giwa

Digital Marketer
UX Designer

The Contra Ambassador Program

As a Contra Ambassador I was responsible for helping the team with Product Testing & Feedback and Promoting the Contra Platform within my network. The Ambassador Program is a selective two-week program for independents in different fields to meet, explore and share the benefits of the platform with other like minds.

Representing the Contra Brand

As an ambassador, we were responsible for creating and sharing unique content over the 2-week period on different channels to help other independents.

Check out my article on: Advice for Independent Product Managers from a Consultant

Product Testing and User Feedback

As part of the program I helped review product features and gave verbal and written feedback via Loom (a screen recording platform)

Communtity Engagement

Contra is a very community focused product. So as part of the program I participated in activities within the Contra Community and in my network


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