Brand Identity & Canva Templates for a Gold Jewelry Brand

Bianca Soare

Brand Designer
Logo Designer
Social Content Design
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop


Aura Charms, a newly founded sustainable gold jewelry brand, wanted to establish its brand identity and make a strong debut on Instagram with an aesthetic appearance that would resonate with its target audience.

01. Brand Strategy Workbook

We began with the Brand Strategy Workbook, delving into the brand's purpose, messaging, and style. This guided exploration uncovered the brand's unique selling proposition (USP), story, and target audience, also laying a solid foundation for future marketing efforts.

Selected Pages from the Brand Strategy Workbook

02. Mood Board

A mood board was crafted, capturing Aura Charms' desired aesthetic and brand essence. This visual representation guided the subsequent design elements, ensuring coherence across the brand's image and messaging.

Mood Board

03. Logo Design

Next came the logo design phase. Three logo concepts were crafted based on the mood board, with the client selecting one. I refined this concept until it perfectly encapsulated the brand's essence, resonating with its target audience.

Primary Logo, Submark Logo, Secondary Logo

04. Brand Board

Following logo design, I created the brand board, incorporating finalized logos, color palette, typography, and additional brand elements. This document serves as a visual guide, ensuring consistency across all brand materials.

Brand Board

05. Canva Templates

Custom Canva templates were developed to streamline Instagram post creation. These ready-to-use templates enable the client to produce content while maintaining brand consistency, saving time and resources.

Instagram Story Canva Templates

06. Instagram Style Guide

Finally, I curated an Instagram Style Guide, utilizing the brand's custom Canva Templates and images that align with the brand's style, providing a visual mock-up of the brand's Instagram feed.

Instagram Style Guide

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