Article Series: Imagining a Remote Work Future

Maria Leonardi

Content Writer
La Vita Libera

Imagining and Igniting a Remote-first Economy

Remote work can fundamentally shift society as we know it — for the better. A pandemic-driven experiment has accelerated this trend and given society the opportunity to pivot towards a more connected, sustainable, global community.

This ongoing article series explores the possibilities, urges readers to imagine the future, and aims to bring people together to learn, collaborate, and create a better future – together!

Incited by the Pandemic Experiment

I was driven to write the first article in this series after I found myself truly awakened by the freedom that a year of forced remote work offered and the mindfulness that the devastation and isolation of the pandemic brought about.

For 10+ years I followed a traditional career path, doing what I was “supposed” to do to achieve the success that society so strongly dictates. Decoupling my every waking moment from work by living in a place I loved and being physically removed from the office environment enabled me to focus on my health, wellbeing, and holistic goals for my future for the first time in my life.

If a year of remote work could have such a big impact on me, I figured there must be others who experienced something similar. Others that feel strongly about the positive changes they’ve experienced, despite living through a pandemic.

It made her question why corporations were not embracing this opportunity, especially after masterfully and successfully pivoting when forced in March 2020. They weren’t saying anything. No one wanted to be the first to commit (or not commit).

The pandemic and its aftermath incited Maria to begin this series with “The Future of Work Is Personal, Flexible, and Remote.” 💻

Overwhelming and Passionate Support

When I first started this series, my intention was to learn and explore the remote work trends driven by the pandemic. Would corporations allow employees the freedom and flexibility to work remotely all the time or part-time? Were people actually picking up and moving with the hopes that employers would allow them to stay in their new location? The data wasn’t yet available and was often skewed by employer preferences (positive and negative) and negative pandemic-related impacts (mental health, isolation, burnout, etc.).

The outcome of these articles was an outpouring of support from other passionate remote work advocates around the world.

The articles drew interest and support from corporate employees, industry leaders, rural communities, and others looking to break the chains of 9-5 work.

I was able to connect with readers because of a renewed focus on what was meaningful in their lives coupled with convincing data and storylines that resonated and brought to life the possibilities.✨

Need a persuasive, well-research article with a storyline that's sure to resonate? 👉 Let's connect!

Check out the article series below 👇 Yes, it's all original photography!📷

🔗The Future of Work Is Personal, Flexible, and Remote

Employees deserve the choice and employers stand to gain. It’s time to embrace the next normal and reinvent office culture.

🔗It’s Time to Embrace the New Remote Work Economy

No longer exclusive to freelancers, remote work will create systemic change in our society

The Future of Work Will Transform Rural America

Embracing remote work is the final piece of the puzzle

Need a persuasive, well-research article with a storyline that's sure to resonate? 👉 Let's connect!


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