Holos - Visual Narrative

Marian Minarro

3D Designer
Graphic Designer
Packaging Designer
Adobe Dimension
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
"Holos" presents an exploration between medicinal plants, and the profound changes brought about by globalization and the pharmaceutical industry. The composition navigates the balance between progress and the preservation of traditional wisdom, offering a visual commentary on the evolving landscape of healing practices.
The composition centers around a collection of 3D-rendered pills, each crafted to resemble plant-based elements. The pills are not the typical pharmaceutical capsules but instead take the form of diverse plants, reflecting the richness of traditional medicinal knowledge. However, as the composition unfolds, a subtle transformation takes place the pills gradually lose their botanical features, morphing into more standardized, pharmaceutical shapes. This shift reflects the influence of big pharma on traditional healing practices and the replacement of natural remedies into mainstream medicine.
The arrangement of the pills within the composition is disrupted to convey a sense of discord and imbalance within the pharmaceutical industry. The visual narrative prompts viewers to reflect on the implications of such transformations and raises questions about the potential loss of holistic wisdom in the pursuit of progress.
The arrangement of the pills within the composition is disrupted to convey a sense of discord and imbalance within the pharmaceutical industry. The visual narrative prompts viewers to reflect on the implications of such transformations and raises questions about the potential loss of holistic wisdom in the pursuit of progress.
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