
Divyansh Chandel

Product Designer
A product that allows wealth managers to manage their client's stocks and portfolio.

The Problem Statement

There is a product that allows wealth managers to manage their clients. Wealth managers add their clients to their list, view their portfolios and buy or sell stocks on their behalf. They also communicate with their clients through live chatting and create new baskets of stocks as recommendations.

Design Process

Brainstorming Ideas
As soon as reading the problem statement, I started jotting down ideas. At first I thought I should go for a dashboard design but I wanted the project to be based on mobile(android) platform because it will make the whole process of observing the stock market and handling multiple portfolio's much easier and you can manage it on the go. Some of the ideas that came to my mind while brainstorming -
Most active section where the well performing and stocks having a potential to breakthrough are displayed
Separate portfolio for the wealth manager so he can go through his overall performance and can showcase this as a reference to his clients & potential clients
Wallet section where the user can easily add funds, withdraw and check his transactions

The Hunt For Inspiration

For creating this product from scratch it was important for me to checkout the basic framework and common components that are used in trading apps. For this I checked out some designs created by other designers on Behance, Dribble and Instagram in order to get the sense of common screens and some features that are present in every trading app
I learned a lot about the common components and style used in these type of projects from the Zerodha app and hence some of the components in my project are simply inspired by Zerodha but the version used in this project has a personal touch
The client portfolio page is a mix of 2 different designs where one is used in an app which deals with trading while the other is from a social media app
Messages section is built following the works of Whatsapp and some messaging app concepts on Behance.
After checking out different designs and putting in some personal creativity, I sketched out some wireframes so I can finalize the design and build it to Hi-fidelity screens.

Ultra Low-Fidelity Sketches

Hi-Fidelity Wireframes

Home and Client Portfolio Screens
Home and Client Portfolio Screens

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