PR Campaign for Wildlife Conservancy

Ariana M

Public Relations Manager
Social Media Strategist
Adobe Premiere Pro
Microsoft Word

Overview 🔎

Set the stage for your work, and provide some key details about this project. Introduce collaborators, and provide any context that will be helpful to keep in mind (ex. brand, company, or project owners).
The San Diego Natural History Museum launched a new exhibition; Caught on Camera: Wildlife When No One's Watching. The Nat is located in Balboa Park, San Diego and focuses on educating individuals about the history of the San Diego Baja-California region. The new exhibition promotes how to observe and learn about wildlife without disturbing animals. During the campaign, my role was dispersed through the four stages: research, planning, implementation, and evaluation along with 14 other peers.
The 15-member campaign team standing in front of the San Diego Natural History Museum. Taken from the PR Campaign book.
The 15-member campaign team standing in front of the San Diego Natural History Museum. Taken from the PR Campaign book.

Process 🛣

In the research stage, I assisted the research team in collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data, including transcribing interviews and conducting social media content analysis.
During the planning stage, I worked on the messaging themes, and prepared press releases and pitch decks alongside the messaging and design teams. I produced a demo reel concept for the upcoming exhibit, which was executed as multiple stores on The Nat's Instagram page.

Results 🎁

We had three goals overall: 1. to increase the use of the resources The Nat makes available for observing, studying, and protecting wildlife and habitats, and 2. protect wildlife in their natural habitats, and to double camera trap photo submissions for the exhibit. After the evaluation, we received these results: • 3.3% increase in knowledge and familiarity about the resources and programs related to observing wildlife • 5.7% increase in the knowledge about the mission of The Nat • A slight increase at 1.5% in the use of educational programs at The Nat and the public taking advantage of exhibits and educational resources offered stayed about the same

Our findings launched a new focus for the campaign–to be social media based to best reach our target audience. We also found people have a positive reception to The Nat’s shift in content from promoting exhibits to educating and advocating for their research and conservation efforts. Our post campaign results demonstrate an increase in both knowledge and awareness.” 🗣

Isabel P. Research Lead

Takeaways 📣

The main takeaway thing I learned was time management, despite the long hours we put in. All 15 of us tracked our time working on this campaign and we collectively put in over 1000 hours -- I tracked in about 80 hours for my own work.
This campaign ran during my last semester at San Diego State University, and it helped me grasp the importance of agency-style learning from our class and the importance of environmental conservation from our client too.


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