Moreover, ethical leadership and ethical decision making significantly influence employee satisfaction (Zhao et al., 2023). When employees perceive their leaders as staunch advocates of ethical principles and see themselves as actively involved in decision-making processes, it fosters a sense of trust, belonging, and job satisfaction (Bouhia, 2022). This, in turn, reduces turnover rates and bolsters employee retention, promoting a stable and motivated workforce (Lindholm, 2022). Corporate reputation stands as yet another dimension profoundly affected by ethical leadership and ethical decision making (Bouhia, 2022). Organizations that consistently uphold ethical values and make ethical decisions garner a reputation for integrity and social responsibility (Ferrell et al., 2020). Such reputations hold immense value in today's business landscape, where consumers, investors, and stakeholders prioritize ethical considerations (Strand, 2022). A positive corporate reputation can lead to increased customer loyalty, heightened investor confidence, and enhanced trust among stakeholders (Ghauri, 2023). Empirical evidence strongly substantiates these connections between ethical leadership, ethical decision making, and positive organizational outcomes (Lindholm, 2022). Numerous studies spanning various industries and organizational contexts consistently demonstrate that organizations led by ethical leaders tend to surpass their peers in terms of financial performance, employee engagement, and reputation management (Ghauri, 2023). As evidenced, the nexus between ethical leadership, decision making, and organizational outcomes is a multifaceted and influential aspect of organizational behavior (Bouhia, 2022). The research findings and theoretical underpinnings presented in this section underscore the pivotal role of ethical leadership and ethical decision making in driving positive organizational performance, elevating employee satisfaction, and fortifying corporate reputation (Zhao et al., 2023). This understanding is of paramount importance for organizations like IKEA, which steadfastly prioritize ethical principles as fundamental to their operational philosophy (Ghauri, 2023).