"A Peek Behind the Curtains" | 2022 Branson Vacation Guide

Annie Sowell


I had the privilege of authoring and also capturing some of the images (Grand Country Music Hall and Presleys' Country Jubilee) for an article that takes readers "backstage" in the Branson live entertainment scene. Known for its live entertainment, Branson's shows require the work of those backstage, in the front of house, and everywhere in between to make these performances possible.

Excerpt: "You are likely familiar with the faces that dazzle onstage...while the magic of Branson's live shows seems to just happen, working within the details, you will find many passionate individuals who strive to create an unforgettable experience for each guest who steps into any of Branson's theatres."

You may view this article on page 14 of the 2022 Guide.

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