OC Brand Identity

Chist Vu

Graphic Designer
Product Designer
UI Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop


About OC

OC is a dynamic B2B2C marketplace on a digital platform, dedicated to simplifying access to dependable corporate solutions. OC online marketplace empowers businesses to explore custom-tailored services, connect with credible professionals, and execute seamless transactions, all aimed at nurturing growth and unlocking their full potential. At OC, we envision a future where businesses from diverse industries can thrive through the digital economy

My Role

For this project, I was responsible for executing all discovery, research, ideation, UI/UX, branding, and creative processes

Mission, Vision, and Values

Target Audience Overview


  • Age: 25-65
  • Gender: All
  • Occupation: Business owners, professionals, freelancers
  • Location: Singapore and Global
  • Income Level: Varied


  • Tech-savvy
  • Business-oriented
  • Value transparency and trust
  • Seek innovative solution

Needs and Preferences

  • Access to reliable corporate services
  • Transparent and trustworthy platform
  • User-friendly experience

Brand Logo

Color Palette



Focus on the person to create a friendly, trustworthy, and personal environment.

  • Portray individuals who look professional.
  • Ensure that the personalities of people in the images are congruent with the brand identity, making them appear confident, grounded, and passionate

Use a clean, crisp, and uncluttered background

  • Ensure that images are bright with good contrast.
  • Maintain a variety of values, providing a dynamic visual experience.

Voice and Tone

Illustration Style

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