Quizboot: Full-stack Developer

David Nwadiogbu

Backend Engineer
Frontend Engineer
Django REST framework

Link: https://quizboot.com/

Problem 😥

Humans are social species. In a time where people could not converge in the same place anymore due to quarantine and an ongoing pandemic there needed to have been something that could bring about that same connection, one gets from physically meeting with others. The situation of the world caused schools to shut down. And although learning didn't stop, the method/approach of teaching changed drastically. Educators were now forced to educate from a screen rather than in-person.

Action 🎯

Quizboot was built as a way to adapt to this new method of education. It was created to improve and further enforce learning. Although it played a very important role for educators to create quizzes to test their students, it was also very useful in fighting off boredom which was the most common word as at the time of it's launch.

Results 📈

Quizboot operated like a social platform for users to create quizzes, follow other users and participate in challenges that had monetary rewards attached to them.

Quizboot encouraged a community of people that were willing to learn and not just learn, but also test their knowledge.

Built like a social network for learners, users were given the opportunity to explore new knowledge bases and discover various new concepts.

Why me? 🤔

I was chosen to work on this project because of the skillset I brought along with me as well as my knowledge in the education space. I contributed countless ideas and suggestions for UX improvements and worked tirelessly on the software making sure everything worked as expected. This includes coding out the UI, implementing backend logic as well as writing unit and integration tests.

Summary 📝

  • People felt more connected using quizboot as they could now interact and share their knowledge
  • The platform promoted critical thinking and creativity
  • It greatly simplified the method of creating quizzes with features like "import quiz from spreadsheet"


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