Clapsify: Reimaging the way musicians are booked

Viktor Gavrilovic

Web Designer
Fullstack Engineer
UI Designer
About Clapsify is a powerful digital platform that that offers what many A-list production companies can't – complete autonomy and managerial control over an artist's music. That's right. With Clapsify, it is you, the artist/musician that owns the right to produce and market their labels with no middlemen in between. The platform offers a highly personalized series of features that allows you to expand your target audience reach, connect with organizers to schedule events, manage your bookings, and consistently optimize your revenue.
The Challenge One of the most problematic elements of being a musician is that it can be frustrating for them to earn what they deserve after putting so much hard work and effort into making and marketing their music. Clapsify was born as a synergetic digital ecosystem with the sole focus on generating collaboration and networking between various independent artists and musicians under one roof. The platform has a "no strings attached" solution to encourage and motivate musicians to take charge of their careers and develop a promising digital portfolio.
The Answer At Clapsify, our team implemented a complete overhaul of the UX and UI aspects of the platforms, committing thousands of hours of testing to create something that modern musicians can resonate with. Generating the platform from the ground up, we did a complete rebranding of the platform like creating a new logo and adding brand guidelines. In addition, we also helped them with a pitch deck design for investors.
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