(Blog) Mind + Body Connection: Biohacking, Energetics...

Kailyn Allen

Blog Writer
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Mind + Body Connection: Biohacking, Energetics, and Neurotyping

Did you know that our minds can affect our bodies physically? But it also works the other way around, the body can affect the mind too. This is called the mind and body connection.
As more and more research comes out, we are learning that the mind and body have a stronger connection with each other than we thought.
In this post, we will talk about neurotype training, biohacking, and energetics. All three of these look at mind-body connections from different perspectives.

What is Neurotype Training 

Learning your neurotype can help you pick what food, supplements, and exercises are best for your body based on your personality. Neurotype training is slowly on the rise because it uses the mind and body connection to get the best results for each individual.
For example, a trainer can have one client who loves to do high-intensity training but have another one who hates it. We can guess that the client who does not like high-intensity workouts might have a less competitive personality than the other client. Both clients have different neurotypes, and adjusting the workout routine to fit each person can help significantly. 
Neurotype can play a role in your diet as well. It can tell you if your body needs more carbs, protein, and other nutrients. 
Each person can be categorized by neurotype to ensure their body is at peak performance. Click here to learn more about the different types. (let me know if I can link an article here)

What is Biohacking 

Bio-Hacking is simply hacking your own biology to help increase your wellness, energy, productivity, longevity, how you feel in your body, and so much more. 
An example of biohacking is paying attention to your sleep schedule and doing things like turning off all lights or staying off your phone before bed. Getting proper rest is very important for how you will perform mentally and physically the next day. 
We have all heard of getting eight hours of sleep, but you may not know that your brain can still be alert through the night even if you are not aware of it.
Things like lights and noises can wake your brain up so that you may be laying down for 8 hours but not getting 8 hours of deep rest. This is why sometimes you may wake up more tired than usual.
Biohacking has a pyramid that consists of 5 levels. The levels are sleep, diet, fitness, mind, and longevity. Each one can be carefully looked at to see what you can adjust to help your mind and body perform the best.

Energetics + Biohacking with Herbs

What are energetics

In herbalism, we use a mind and body connection method called energetics. Energetics can be used to describe the state of an herb, a person’s body, and the condition of an affected area in the body. Learning energetics can help determine which herbs will be best for each person. 
Types of energetics:
The energetics of an herb: describe how the herb will affect your body - its herbal action
The energetics of a person: what state is this person’s body typically in 
The energetics of a condition: what state the injury is in or the constituency of the area of focus
Actions of energetics:
Hot/warming or cold/cooling
Dry or moist/damp 
Lax/ relaxed  or tense/ tight
Example: If you have a swollen knee, then the energetics of that condition is hot and moist. The best thing to do is to use an herb that is drying and cooling.
Want to learn more about energetics click here to check out our blog post on it.
Biohacking w/ Herbs
These techniques show us how strong the mind and body connections are. Here are a few ways you can biohack with herbs:
Sleep: drink certain herbs before bed that are great for relaxing 
Diet: picking herbs that help with digesting and anti-inflammatory
Fitness: making onmints out of herbs to help with tense muscles 
Mind: using herbs that are great for clarity 
Longevity: Using herbs that helps for immunity 
Herbal Card of the Day 
Every time we make a post, we like to pull an herbal card for you guys. Today’s card is:
Name: St Johns wort
Affirmation: Stability 
Energetics: Warming, drying
Herbal information: helps with depression, stabilize mood, helps w/ muscle soreness 
(picture of a card)

Final thoughts

Biohacking, nerotyping, and energetics are all connected. It’s so amazing that we have the science and tech to figure out how to know what our bodies need and don’t need to feel our best.  So which approach are you going to take? Maybe you would like to look into all three. 
Stay tuned for more herbal information every self-care Sunday. 
If you are interested in buying organic herbs or would like guidance on herbal applications from a trained herbalist, head over to our shop or book a consult.
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