| Next.js

maher mansour

Business Analyst
Fullstack Engineer
DevOps Engineer
Tailwind CSS

project description

Met client requirements by developing advanced search functionality, real-time messaging, and a user-friendly dashboard for comprehensive system management.
Accomplished 70% faster request times by utilizing a local MongoDB server on the DigitalOcean droplet instead of MongoDB Atlas.
Reached 100% savings by using Vercel's free plan for the dashboard instead of renting an additional droplet, improving cost efficiency by $5/month.
Increased security through distributed systems with the dashboard on Vercel, enhancing overall system reliability.
Facilitated seamless API integration for the mobile app with Flutter developers.
Planned for scalability to accommodate 20,000 users in the first 6 months.
Attained a Lighthouse performance score of 71% (US East).

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