Non-Fiction Book Proposal

Katherine Ketelaar



Creative Writer


This non-fiction book proposal was an assignment for a class offered at Lakehead University. This was the final assignment in the class, was marked by a published professor and it received an 86%.
During this process I chose a topic that would fit in the non-fiction genre, researched it, and constructed a proposal that can be brought to publishers.

What is in a book proposal?

Included in this project are the following:
Book title/list of potential titles.
Projected Length
Overview (summary, intended purpose, etc.)
Competition, Readership, & Market (Includes comparison to similar titles on the market)
Author Biography
Table of contents
Writing Sample: Book-Blurb
Writing Sample: Chapter Four


Below is some feedback I received from my professor on this project.

This was really fun to read. Your love for this game shines through and you really sell the project - it sounds well thought out and fun! Bring it to the next level by being very careful and strategic about how you write, not just the information you're writing about.

Link to the completed proposal.

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Posted Jan 3, 2024

I researched and outlined a non-fiction novel. This book proposal tells the publishers why this book is needed in the market, and why I should write it.







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