3 Common Limiting Beliefs and How They Affect Your Life, Career…

Kimesha Coleman


Content Writer


Blog Writer

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com
We all at some point struggle with happiness, measuring our success, and battling with beliefs that weigh in over our level of satisfaction in life. Do you imagine yourself doing more but feel like something is limiting your progress? Maybe it’s your personal beliefs that are blocking you from doing more in your career or business.
So, what’s a limiting belief? A limiting belief is a state of being or something you believe to be true about yourself, others, or the world. These beliefs are a set of thoughts or way of thinking that we hold that is restricting or minimizing your interactions. These limits close us off to a certain way of doing things or ways of living. Our limiting beliefs can have several negative effects on us, our success, and the overall level of happiness.
Let’s look at it this way, with empowering beliefs we create potential and get-up-and-go. We’re able to move effortlessly towards our goals and achieve great things. While limiting beliefs stagnate our decisions making, doubt our potential, and keep us stuck in an unhealthy mindset.
These are the goals, opportunities, relationships, and obstacles that seem like we’re pushing a big boulder uphill. Limiting beliefs makes certain situations appear to be extremely hard and difficult to achieve and on the flip side empowering beliefs we seem to breeze right through them. In conclusion depending on what beliefs we hold to be true and the current situation, we’ll either create more potential or more limitations for ourselves.
Where does limiting beliefs come from?
Other people
Our main influencers are our parents and caregivers. Their internal pains, anguish, and anxiety transferred onto us by the means of their unending list of rules of what, why, and how we should be. As a result, we formed our own limiting belief about ourselves, others, and the world around us based on their beliefs.
Negative experiences
Experiences are our best teachers. Negative experiences can form a belief that may limit us in life in some way. Many victims of abuse form a belief of being not good enough, unworthy or undeserving due to their past experiences, which strongly shape their life.
A belief is a framework that has been embedded over a long period of time. Both people and experiences influence how we view ourselves and the world, which forms a belief that dictates which path we take, how we behave, and engage with others. It’s important to identify limiting beliefs and make changes. Here are three common beliefs that people share when feeling stuck in life.
#1 I Can’t
The thoughts and feelings of hopelessness or incompetency draw from the words “I can’t”. Many of us will not even attempt to do something that we believe we cannot do. When we hold a powerful belief that we cannot do something, we’ll go out of our way to prove it to be true ever time. Our mindset will deliver a result that lives up or down to our expectations of ourselves. By holding to the belief “I can’t” our level of fear will keep us from trying, our level of effort will not be enough to gain momentum, and our predetermined outcome will tell us it won’t work. This belief leaves no room for opportunity or growth so why even try.
But it’s not true unless we make it true. We can do anything we’re willing to work for and put our minds to accomplishing.
#2 I Don’t Deserve Anything Good
The thoughts of something or somebody being too good or high value items being out of reach comes from the belief of feeling undeserving of good things. Whether it’s a higher paying position, compliments, high end gifts, or hiring quality help for our business to go to the next level.
When you carry this belief around, we ward off and turn down great opportunities. Our own lack of worth and value deprives us of attaining, engaging, and participating in and with positive life fulfilling situations and people. This belief will deliver only the low-level crumbs of life but it doesn’t have to be this way.
Little did we know we all are deserving of good things. In order to receive them we must believe we deserve them.
#3 I’m Not Pretty Enough
The thoughts of not being pretty enough are beliefs stemmed from comparison. When others compare us to someone else (ex-girlfriend or older sibling) or maybe we’ve been comparing ourselves to a celebrity, this can take a toll on our self-esteem and distort how we see ourselves. Applying for a new position or even relationships can be difficult when don’t feel confident about who we are.
Beauty comes in a package not just from our physical looks. It’s about personality, confidence, charm and standards that make us attractive.
How Coaching Can Help
The support of a coach may help when struggling to change limiting beliefs on our own. A coach is there to guide us through the process of identifying your limiting beliefs with the use of self-awareness. Self-awareness helps to uncover to automatic thoughts and triggers connected to the core belief that keeps you stuck. As a results coach, I find the practice of challenging and questioning thoughts to be effective and helps to better understand how clients think, their problematic thought patterns and implement alternatives that result in healthier ways of thinking and improved self-esteem. Coaching helps us trace limiting beliefs and gives us the tools we need to overcome them. Overcoming limiting beliefs requires action. They just magically go away. So start.
Good news is, there’s no finish line. Personal development is an ongoing journey. So be patient and take small steps towards change.
In my new program, Mastering Self Esteem: Life by Design we restructure the cognitive patterns at the deepest levels to replace old beliefs and behaviors with a healthier alternative. Each week we work through a different area covering self esteem, beliefs, core values, negative self-talk, assertiveness, and more.
Do you want to rid yourself of low self-esteem and your limiting beliefs?
Take action NOW and hire me as your Results Coach.
It’s easy to get started:
1. Schedule your complimentary Life By Design coaching call. No obligation to buy anything.
2. Complete the required form.
3. After our initial call, I’ll send you the link to purchase the coaching program.
4. Next, I’ll contact you to schedule our first session.
That’s it! Congratulations, you have just taken your first step to change your life.
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Posted Jun 19, 2023

We all at some point struggle with happiness, measuring our success, and battling with beliefs that weigh in over our level of satisfaction in life. Do you ima…






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