Knowing When God is Directing You

Annabelle Groene


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One of the hardest things the past two years has been finding my purpose in life. Life is so extremely hard when you can’t find your direction, or don’t understand what God has planned for your life. Sometimes the biggest anxiety when walking through life is the constant thought of where am I headed? Lord, where is this direction that my life is going? Especially when you feel as though God’s works are being shown in everyone’s life around you, but he feel absent from your life.
Trust me when I say that I have been here. I have and am walking through this constant life question of where my life is being directed. But even though I have endless questions, and I know it’s partly because I am innate to planning things out even if it’s 10 years down the road, I KNOW that my savior and my God know my path.
My life is has sprinkles of God all over it and most of the times I don’t notice His sprinkles of goodness until after the fact. Though I may want to know the ending of my story as a daughter of Christ, I KNOW for a fact that before I was even in my mother’s womb, God knew my name. Nothing that I have been through, nothing that I will go through will ever compare to the glory of what is coming when my life here on Earth ends. Sister, there is something completely calming in the thought that though we may not know where we are going in life, our savior does.
It makes my heart just overly abundant with love and passion to know that I do not need to have my life figured out or the answer to the question of where my life is going.
Sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves and our relationship with Jesus, is instead of putting our impatient anxieties first just try to trust Jesus and focus on our relationship with him. At my church’s Bible study we have been going through a study that focuses on a biblical worldview. The most fruitful thing so far to come from that study has been the fact that God is a relational god. All He wants is a relationship with us and to know our hearts. As I keep focusing on my relationship with God I keep noticing his presence and footprints in my life.
I’ll leave you with this:
When you feel that you don’t feel God’s presence or you don’t know which way or where God is directing you, my first recommendation to you friend is to check your relationship with God. Sometimes we get so caught up in the day to day things of life and we neglect the one relationship that truly matter— the one with Jesus.
My second and last recommendation to you friend is to P R A Y. My 2022 word was pray. Last year I was awful at being prayerful and that year was one of the most challenging year spiritually, mentally, physically that I have ever had. Fast forward to now, I pray daily. In my journal, in my head, in the car, on the treadmill. Praying isn’t a one sized fits all kind of deal. God wants our hearts and minds, He doesn’t care where or how you pray. Through this monumental change that I’ve made in my relationship with God, I’ve found that praying and praying scripture has helped me discern what things come from God. I’ve also noticed the more prayerful I am, the better my attitude and choices are.
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Posted Jun 12, 2023

One of the hardest things the past two years has been finding my purpose in life. Life is so extremely hard when you can't find your direction, or don't unders…






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Annabelle Groene

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