Award-winning NGO campaign and film

Saara Salama


Brand Strategist

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Award-winning film and NGO campaign
Every third woman in Finland has experienced violence in a relationship. Approximately 20 women die each year from domestic violence. Women´s Line, which is a helpline for women who have experienced violence or it, had been overwhelmed by callers for a long time. Over half of the callers were left without help, due to the abundance of callers. Women's Line asked Saara Salama and her colleague Joanna Sulonen for help.
The overnight success of the campaign
Women’s Line desperately needed more funds to open a second phone line for the victims. Facing a zero-budget challenge, Saara Salama and Joanna Sulonen orchestrated a powerful campaign. They created an impactful film that swiftly spread across social media, inspiring thousands of Finns to contribute.
Singers, actors, and everyday individuals shared the film, resulting in generous donations. Within two weeks, the necessary funds were successfully collected.
The film, directed by Saara Salama, was made possible through the incredible support of equipment rental companies, editors, cinematographers, production assistants, sound mixers, and post-production professionals who all contributed their services pro bono.
iRaizer award 2022
Naisten linja's remarkable campaign was not only a triumph in terms of its impact but also garnered prestigious recognition. The campaign's outstanding success led to it being honored with the esteemed iRaizer award for "Best Campaign of the Year 2022" in Italy.
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Posted Sep 22, 2023

Every third woman in Finland has experienced violence in a relationship. Approximately 20 women die each year from domestic violence. Women´s Line, which is a…






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