Scroll-stopping Ads 💪

Aishwarya | Brand Therapy

Advertisement Designer
Adobe Illustrator

Scroll-stopping ads 👀

Creating branded ads isn't just about laying out an offer in a graphic and some words. It's about identifying a need that your audience has and teasing a solution that they can get themselves.


Creating a carousel-style ad, creating intrigue around what it's going to be. This is a top-of-funnel ad that engages people into getting acquainted with the brand.

Slide 1
Slide 2


Creating some single-image ads for Sleepy Owl, a well-known instant coffee chain. These ads utilize coffee drinkers' pain points and identify creative solutions for them.

Ad 1
Ad 2


The Woman's Company is a wellness and lifestyle brand that creates products for women's hygiene and menstrual care. They needed ads that would highlight their different offers and highlight their competitive edge.

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