Digital Nomads: Why Coliving is the Next Trend

Samantha Taylor


Content Creator


Ditching the Office and Going Remote

As more and more digital nomads appear around the world, the longing for stability, community and connection grow.
Trends of 2022: Working in an office is out, and working on the go is in. According to a 2018 study by MBO Partners,4.8 million indepedendent workers describe themselves as digital nomads, and nearly 17 million aspire to be nomadic in the future.Part of the nomadic workforce continues to grow as people begin ditching their 9-5 employee status, for a life of freelance. In fact, it is estimated that50% of the total U.S. workforcewill be freelance by 2027.
It’s clear the way people are working is evolving into something more than a cubicle in an office. People want to see new lands, meet new people, try new food, take on their passions, all while taking part in work that motivates them on a daily basis.
One way to do all of these things? Start coliving.

Coliving 101

When thinking about traveling + working, most imagine staying in a cozy Airbnb or sharing a dormatory at a hostel, but working from coffee shops or paying for coworking spaces. Though, coliving presents a different way of working + living, one that often aligns with nomadic freelancers in a more authentic way.
The coliving model is unique: you get personal privacy, all while having shared communal spaces. You have the luxury of having your own private bedroom and personal essentials, while being able to share other spaces in the complex with other co-livers (think gym, kitchen, coworking spaces, bars, patios, etc.)
There’s a reason the co-working members arerising to 5.1 million by 2022, and the number of new co-living buildings hasdoubled in the last two years.

Benefits of Coliving for Freelancers

Coliving takes some of the best parts of your freelancer WFH experiences, but gives you a chance to share those memories with others + see the world while you do so.
Communal Living
Since remote freelancers/independents don’t work on teams with other people, it can often feel isolating and lonely. With coliving spaces, you are automatically placed in a space surrounded by other independents, entrepueners, or even full-time remote employees. Being around like-minded and work oriented enviornments, makes it easier to get work done while meeting new people along the way. Aside from work, communal spaces often have shared pools, patios, and other amenities which make it easy to connect and hang with your new friends!
Coworking Spaces
One of the hardest parts about being a freelancer (or remote full-time employee) on the go, is finding a quiet place to work from. Coffee shops, hostel lounges, and other public spaces are not cutting it anymore! Having a space dedicated to work allows for people to stay focused, even when they are in an amazing city full of things to do. There are also no closing or opening hours — meaning you can take calls and work from these spaces whenever it suits you best. Reminder: this is included in your rent, making it even more afforable than buying a separate co-working membership.
Saving Money
It’s not secret that rent in most major cities has been on the rise, making it difficult for people to manage their finances. Most people have to pick and choose between taking trips, endulging in experiences, and paying for bills (such as rent and wifi). With co-living, you don’t have to worry about furnishing your new space, high-speed wifi, or essentials such as kitchen equipment.
Encourages Longer-Term Stay
Have you ever wanted to stay in a city for longer-term (say 1-2 months), but the stress of finding an apartment and roomates sways your decision? Most nomads have been there. Through coliving, you no longer have to worry about finding an apartment in a foreign or new city (which can be difficult to say the least), or finding roomates to split the cost. Coliving encourages nomads to stay in places longer-term, giving you the chance to understand the culture + every day nuances that you wouldn’t receive on a 1-2 week trip!

Coliving Spaces

Almost ever major city around the world offers coliving options. While they aren’t as popular as hotstels, coliving spaces are in some of the most amazing locations around the globe.
Here are a few!
North America
Outsite— Santa Cruz, California
Selina — Mexico City, Mexico
South America
Selina- Medellin, Colombia
Same Same Creative Coliving — Lisbon, Portugal
Sun and Co — Jávea, Spain
Dojo— Bali, Indonesia
UKO-Sydney, Australia
Sundesk- Tagazhout, Morocco
Neighbourgood - South Africa

Is Coliving for Me?

Coliving isn’t for everyone — on the outside, sharing your space may seem like a dream for many, but if you are on the fence, ask yourself these questions
Are you comfortable sharing communal spaces?
Do you want to live in a major city?
How much privacy do you need?
What is your rent budget?

Where to find Coliving Spaces?

Finding coliving spaces doesn’t have to be hard. The equivalent,coliving.comfinds a plethera of coliving spaces from across the world. Similar to Airbnb, you can filter by dates, price, room type, amentities and community!
Here are a few chains to keep an eye on 👇
Ready to learn how to ditch your 9-5 and become an independent? Read more here!Not sure coliving is for you? Read about hostel-life here! Ready to kickstart your independent career? Make a free Contra account today!
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Posted Jun 8, 2022

As more and more digital nomads appear around the world, the longing for stability, community and connection grow.






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