Samantha Taylor
This is something I would repeat to myself when I started my freelancing journey. Did I know what I was doing? Not completely. Was I confident that I could get the job done, no matter how many time I had to YouTube "How-To" videos? Absolutely.
If you've ever heard of the famous line "fake it until you make it" it's quite frankly because after a while you start to believe what you're telling yourself. Once you believe you can successfully complete your goals, all you have to do is be actionable to get yourself there.
Before we breakdown the ways you can start brimming with confidence, lets first address the elephant in the room: imposter syndrome.
Essentially, you believe your success and work are fraudulent. You feel that you aren't worthy of any of your success (as if 🙄)!
Example →you refrain from raising your rates because you believe your work could neverbe worth more than it is now.
Now let's get into the 5 ways you can actively work to become a more confident independent!
If you're curious, theres a high chance that you'll start acting on the impulse to keep learning and discovering new skills that can help your independent career. You know that feeling when you've accomplished something big — or small? It gives you an empowerment boost, which is going to reflect in the way you carry yourself + your work!
There's probably a long list of things you are scared to do professionally — maybe it's public speaking, cold pitching to a client, or even joining a freelancing group? My tip: get out there and do it. Doing something new can give you a new sense of confidence that wouldn't have presented itself otherwise. What is there to lose?
The best thing about working independently? You get to choose how you spend your time and what your energy goes into! Make a list of the strengths you possess and figure out how you can hone in on these skills in your freelance practice. Similarly, list out your weaknesses: how can you address these in your day to day?
With social media, it's become easier than ever to compare yourself to others who are freelancing and sharing their journeys on the internet. The reality is: there will always be someone making loads of money, getting invited to networking events, traveling while working, and the list goes on. You'll need to remember, every single person has a different journey getting to the place they are in today.
Working on your own can feel lonely and sharing your success is one of the ways you can truly feel a part of something bigger! My biggest tip, start tracking your daily, weekly or monthly success and share with your social media networks! If you're scared of how people will react, remember this is for you not them!
Contra is the new professional community that allows you to work the way you want with zero commission fees, and we give you all the tools needed to create your ideal flexible career. With Contra, it's easier than ever to jumpstart the life you want to live, without the hassle of resumes and commission fees. If you want to learn more about us, check out our mission page!