The Art of Humorous blogging

Meet Vaidya

Content Writer
Hemingway App
Artificial Intelligence
 (A.I.) short for Artificial Intelligence, or as I would like to call it, AI.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. AI needs to be trained to carry out tasks for which it is fed data  The type of AI that allows machines to learn and improve from data without being explicitly programmed is Machine learning (ML)
AI constantly improves itself by learning new information, finding new ways to solve a problem, being able to create simulations, etc.
AI is your overachieving cousin/sibling compressed into a program which works for you, it is polite, obedient and a wet dream of Asian parents.
Often seen as futuristic and sci-fi just a decade ago, AI was associated with "nerds" until it became mainstream this decade, largely thanks to ChatGPT. A chatbot AI trained on data available on the internet and uses natural language processing to generate human-like responses to user input. As a result of this very much useful tool people started using it for their work, homework, projects, etc and had more time in hand to spin on their office chairs. Whereas few other people wondered the consequences of abusing it.
Basically, AI went from science fiction to cocaine, everybody is using it, praising it until one day it takes over the world and you are too dependent to stop it.
Morbid thoughts aside, here’s an overview of how it’s impacting business and marketing!
AI can automate repetitive tasks, saving time and resources. This can lead to faster service, free up employees to focus on more strategic work, leading to more efficiency.
AI can analyse large amounts of data to help businesses make faster decisions, identify sales opportunities, and grow their customer base. Accurately analysing large amounts of data can also help in finding irregularities and possible frauds.
AI can automate data collection and analysis tasks, helping to ensure that decision-making is based on accurate and unbiased data. Adaptive AI can revise its own learning methods to adjust for real-world changes.
AI-based marketing platforms can automatically create personalized content for email marketing campaigns. AI can design marketing campaign with just a single prompt!
Gone are the days of staring at a blank screen, much like your parents stare at you when you are in your 20’s and unemployed. With AI, generating marketing copy can feel as easy as applying for a job (just applying, not "hired," there is a reason he is unemployed, right?).  Need a catchy slogan? Boom! AI spits one out faster than an immigrant getting hired in a foreign country.
Even though AI is such a useful tool, it too has it’s flaws, mainly, personalizing AI for your organizational needs is hard and costly, not to mention the time it needs to feed data, train on it, learn patterns, and come up with responses, may take time since it’s machine learning (ML), and well, the machine is still learning. As fast as AI can come up with content and marketing campaigns, it lacks human emotion-an important component if you want to advertise your product. All these flaws can be attributed to AI being a new and still in the developmental process, but, these are flaws nonetheless.
In conclusion, embrace our future overlords by the time we are still figuring out human emotions [That part was written by an AI], because when it comes to business and marketing, partnering with AI could mean less stress for you and more time for…anything, spinning in your office chair, chatting with your colleagues during coffee breaks, or processing your developmental trauma. 
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