#ThisIsBlackGenZ Website Copy + Blog Writing

Jemma Charnley



Blog Writer

SEO Writer

#ThisIsBlackGenZ is a research project aimed at improving diversity, inclusion, equity and belonging in modern workplaces.
The 2022 edition of the report stands as the largest look into Black Talent in the UK, what drives them to apply to employers and what motivates them to stay.
This is a project I have been heavily involved in in my current role as Lead Copywriter and Researcher at TapIn.
For the website, I was responsible for putting together compelling, SEO-compliant copy in order to drive clients to the website and give them an idea of the project.
Alongside the website copy, I also wrote and edited all the blogs on this site. Some are interviews which were conducted by myself and put together into blog format. Others offered an in-depth look into the findings of the report and advised employers on how they could be used.
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Posted Sep 20, 2023

I have been heavily involved in the #ThisIsBlackGenZ Research Project. One of my main roles was writing the copy for both the website as well as the blogs.







Blog Writer

SEO Writer

Social Media Strategy and Writing for TapIn
Social Media Strategy and Writing for TapIn
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Java Cuzzies Brand Creation + Social Media Management