BlockBocado | Figma | VisilyAI | Web3

Evelyn Barrantes

UX Designer
Solidity Engineer
UI Designer
Marketplace for buying and selling unused food within a radius of 200mt. in their homes within a radius of less than 200mt with a points system (tokens).
Blockbocado was built using the latest technologies for web 3 applications.
In the development of the Smart-Contracts we used the Scaffold-Eth-2 tool that offers us tools for the development in Solidity as well as the execution of tests and a correct deployment and verification of the Smart Contracts in the Polygon and Scroll networks.
In the Front-end development, NextJs was used as the main framework and on top of it the tailwind and ShadCn libraries that provide standards for web components easy to understand for the users.
For the Front-end connection with smart contracts we used Privy, wagmi, viem libraries. For data retrieval Graph protocol has been used since smart contracts have events that are connected to a sub-graph for easy access of the information by the application.
- Login / User registration with traditional methods and web wallets3
- Create recipes from listed ingredients
- Display user profile with basic information
- Display leaderboard of top selling vendors
- Publish food/ingredient used for circulation
- Display ingredients near the user's area (by location)
- Buy ingredients with purchase flow and different payment methods
- Dashboard to view buy/sell from the platform
- Additional screens like EmptyPage
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