4 Steps To Revamping The Sales Department

Robert Sher


Digital Marketer

Operations Manager

Sales Manager

4 Steps To Revamping The Sales Department
4 Steps To Revamping The Sales Department
The sales department is the lifeblood and relationship side of your company. These are the 4 problems that may be plaguing your sales team and how to fix it - Fast!
Disrespect. Leadership is responsible for setting the tone and style of communication that shows respect to internal teams and external partners. Oftentimes, leaders disrespect their employees and contractors, which teaches that verbal abuse is normal and can be likewise used by employees and contractors towards each other in the work environment. This fosters a corrosive work environment that saps morale, distracts, opens the company to liability, and wastes energy that would otherwise be used to produce value for the company and for the employees and contractors. Leaders should be keenly aware of their tone and language and create an open line of communication so they can become aware when they’ve crossed the line. Set up a communication policy for how to communicate internally and externally, and make it known to everyone in your office.
Dishonesty. Communication between suppliers and teams that is founded on transparency and honesty creates long-lasting trust. Trust helps to create valuable and rewarding relationships. It takes years to build trust and a moment to break it. Practice long-term strategy by shifting the focus from thinking of self to thinking of others; from scarcity to abundance.
Waste. Taking care to provide value for the money people pay, is being a good steward of their money. The better the value that people get for their money, the more of their money they want to give you. It’s great when that works out and becomes a flywheel for a company that propels them forward very quickly and this is called “Viral”. A viral idea or marketing strategy delivers massive value to consumers.
Laziness. Seasoned individuals should also take initiative to become more valuable for the team and those that do are nearly irreplaceable. In that case, the more senior the person, the more valuable they are. I realize what I’m saying is counter-culture, and the reality is that all of the most successful business owners that I’ve talked to do whatever it takes to hold on to their seasoned personnel.
The path to your team's success isn’t as clear-cut and neat as we’re used to seeing in the movies so I suggest that philosophy be the guiding light. Create core values and practice them with your team. Repetition makes retention and habit.
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Posted Dec 31, 2021






Digital Marketer

Operations Manager

Sales Manager

Robert Sher

Business Strategist for ecoms and manufacturers

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