Any business that wants to present itself to an important stakeholder
(either current and potential) should possess a numeric version of its business
logic and overall vision.
This project has been done for a late-stage B2C startup to
justify an attractiveness of an M&A deal for a potential acquirer. The work has been done in 2 weeks taking into account many interactions with the founding team to understand the business and transfer every side of it to spreadsheets.
The Applied Tools
On the tech side, the work is done with MS Excel instruments. What's more
important is that every financial model is a unique product and demands many
iterations of dialogue with founders or any other startup representatives to
incorporate every piece of important information about the project.
The Result
The result is a highly accurate business model that describes the plan and
logic of a business in a step-by-step manner. Every model user has the ability
to understand what process lies behind every number and why they receive these
particular numbers in the end. The advantage of this particular modeling
approach is that the model is dependent only on a relatively small number of
assumptions that could be changed at fraction of time to challenge the
potential outcome in several clicks.
Discover the model itself by clicking on the link below!
Please note that the company name has been changed to a "Startup" to preserve business ethics!