WARNING! This is ONLY for people who want a WEALTH MINDSET

Kacha Chakupalesa

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We all know how the saying goes, “you are a product of your thoughts” , and it goes a long way especially when it comes to building wealth. It's no secret that it takes a strong, WEALTH MINDSET to own that luxurious house you saw last week, or that Porsche you stuck on the wall of your room, or to develop long term assets that will sustain not only you, but generations to come! What you are about to find out is what sets the margin between the wealthy and the poor.
Napoleon Hill always said that money without brains is dangerous. And this is exactly how poor people behave with money! The moment they make some money, they blow it off at the nearest bar before they can actually use it for the right things. They decide to satisfy their current wants or pleasures without looking at their needs and future plans. And then sooner or later they're left with nothing but unpaid bills and unsettled loans. If you don't want to fall under this category anymore(or if you never want to), then you're reading the right blog!
People don't become wealthy by accident, it takes time to build a long lasting attitude when it comes to fighting poverty. So with all this being said, let me reveal to you how A WEALTH MINDSET looks like.
Your network is your net worth! -Porter Gale.
We've heard of this time and again, who you associate with has a huge impact on you. Your association influences you more than you influence it! The wealthiest people out there all have incredible networks, consisting of so many elite people that help each other in times of need every time. They look at the people in their networks as assets, and so should you! 
Every wealthy person out there understands this principle very well. And that's why they're selective of who is in their network. A salesperson who makes 6-figures can easily fall short if he associates himself with people who lack vision, seek cheap dopamine, aren't willing to take risks, are financially illiterate, and so on.
This is key to developing a wealth mindset. Start looking at your friends as assets. If you are found with people with no ambition, slack all day, are lazy, don't take responsibility for everything in their lives, this is a call for you to do the right thing.  “The richest people in the world build networks. Everyone else is trained to look for work.” – Robert Kiyosaki.
Every problem is a business- Myles Monroe
The rich and wealthy are always on the hunt for business opportunities that can earn them massive amounts of profit. And they always prevail in their hunt, because they don't look at problems as mere problems, but as opportunities to provide value to people by solving that problem,and of course making profit in the end!
Let's take an example of two individuals that listen to the news and find out that a number of peoples cars are developing rust, the one with a poor mentality will just look at the problem, and just leave it as it is or even complain as well, saying there’s nothing that can be done since it’s the weathers fault. But the one with a Wealth Mindset will look at the problem and see it as an opportunity to riches, asking himself, “what can i do to help people with this problem?” and later come with a conclusion of buying in bulk, and selling car covers at a price that is reasonable and profitable.
This is how you find products for your customers, instead of finding customers for your product, because it is more effective and assures a prosperous business! And later adding to your wealth too. This is the same principle entrepreneurs use to come with businesses that scales them to 6 or even 7 figures.
Never be afraid to take risks
There is no wealthy person out there in this world who became rich without taking risks! They have taken so many risks, and probably most of them didn't work out. But as long as they kept taking risks, something always happened. And even after accumulating so much wealth, they still take risks. In fact, it's become a part of them. No matter how many losses they make, they still end up making one big win.
Contrary to this, people who decide to stay in their comfort zone, or decide to play it safe, remain poor. There's no two ways about this one. This point is true especially to those who always look for the easiest way to do things. You can't run away from taking risks! You know what they say, it's either you go big or go home.
“The biggest risk is not taking any risk.” – Mark Zuckerberg, chairman, CEO, and co-founder of Facebook
Focus on building your net worth
Wealthy people focus on one thing, and that's investing in assets, not liabilities. Becoming rich and wealthy is one thing, but staying that way is another thing. And that  is why in order for you to maintain your wealth, you must have a good net worth. You must have good assets! This is another principle the wealthy use. A poor person on the other hand, may acquire a great amount of money today, possibly even become millionaires, but if that money isn't invested well it won't multiply. Hence going back to being poor sooner or later.
”The rich buy assets. The poor have expenses. The middle class buy liabilities they think are assets. The poor and the middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them.” – Robert Kiyosaki (author of Rich Dad Poor Dad
Always aim to provide more value on the table
To have a WEALTH MINDSET, you must understand that the more value you provide, the more money you make. It's not about how long you work for as a shopkeeper, or as an accountant, but it's always about the value you bring to the company you're working for, or the company you're helping generate money. That is the principle the wealthy use. But this is also a principle the poor fail to grasp. They always think it's about the time spent at the store, or in the office, when it's really about what you have to offer.
Let's take for example, two employees that work for the same car dealership. They both work for the same amount of hours, while one of them doesn't always stay for long, the other does . But the one that doesn't stay for long at work always seems to have more skills,other than being good at selling, that help him make more sales, and provide more money. In the end the one who provides more gets promoted, while the other one who always stayed until time was up was never considered. That is how important value is!

This is just the tip of the Iceberg!

Now that you know how a WEALTH MINDSET looks like, it's time to take your time and adopt all these principles until they are a part of you. Remember, this blog is only for people who want such a mindset, and since you've reached this far, then you've proven how much you really want to change. If this information was helpful( which I know it was), then imagine having access to more information like this? Imagine being taught by some of the wealthiest people out there, getting first hand information from them. Imagine being part of a community of people hungry for a similar mindset, and having similar goals. Imagine finally turning your mentality around and seeing changes manifest in your life. Imagine finally conquering poverty and helping all your loved ones do the same as well. All these things are part of what our program has to offer!
This is your chance to change your life for good. Unless you're okay with staying the same way you are, unless you're okay with being frustrated that you can't afford that expensive purse your mum always admires on TV, unless you're okay with not being part of the elite, unless you're okay with never getting a chance to have the power to be wherever you want, whenever you want, and do whatever you want. Unless you're okay with staying average, then all Is well for you. Don't take this opportunity. You wasted your time reading this blog. But for the rest of you, be prepared to change your lives for the better.
Luckily for you guys who have never heard of this program, we'll be giving promotions for first time entries. Although, it's only lasting for 30 days. So if you want to be part of the lucky number, then I suggest you join now before it's too late. A promo code will be sent to your Gmail the moment you apply. So don't just sit there…..
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