Mock blog post: why you should romanticize your life.

Andrea Pignatelli

Content Writer
Content Creator

Romanticizing your life

A cup of hot coffee in an aesthetic coffee shop, a walk home with the perfect sunset, and a chill afternoon reading a good book. If a person told me a year ago that these were their favorite hobbies I would have thought that they were crazy. However, it wasn't until I discovered that these little actions had an important impact on my mental health and mood of the day, and became a big thing in my daily routine.
Now, what is romanticizing your life? For me, it's the modern word for appreciating the little things in your life that make you happy. It can be buying yourself a bouquet, eating alone at a restaurant, or simply going for a walk with a good podcast. In the eyes of some people may appear as a waste of time and money. However, if you had a bad day, these habits can completely change your mood and increase your happiness.
There are tons of tutorials and social media posts that teach you how to romanticize your life (check at the end of this post). Still, in my opinion, what worked for me, was to interiorize these habits as good ones and not just a methodic thing to do.
For example, in college, I have to commute for one hour and a half to arrive home. I could see that action as tedious and unnecessary. Instead, I set my mind to thinking that in that time I can be alone and relax my mind, even putting on a good playlist.
It's obvious that romanticizing your life won't always work. But, if it increases your happiness and will to live at any level that will be enough to keep doing it.

Check this inspo :)

Malama Life. (2021, November 16). How to Romanticize Your Ordinary Life. YouTube.
Rebecca Jay. (2022c, January 30). WHY YOU SHOULD ROMANTICIZE YOUR LIFE ♡ (how to get out of a rut & feel alive again). YouTube.
Darling Desi. (2022, February 18). how I romanticize life when I’m not feeling well ☁️ making the best of difficult times. YouTube.

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