Sinjala - Shopify Website

Ratul Ehsan


Brand Designer

Graphic Designer

Product Designer


Alex Van Espen - Journey

During 15 years, I have had the chance to study and work around the globe. I developed solid fitness habits while living in Sydney, Australia and have learnt the basis of martial arts in Asia under a Japanese master. I have carried a beginner mind all along my journey and it allowed me to learn continuously. It is safe to say that learning is a never ending process. I moved back to Belgium end 2019 more than a decade after having left, since then I have concentrated my attention on perfecting my skills in yoga and martial arts.
Alex Van Espen - Founder Sinjala
Alex Van Espen - Founder Sinjala


Yoga means union, it is only in a state of complete surrender and full involvement that one experiences yoga. It is the basis of everything I have to offer.


Martial arts for me isn't really about fighting nor defending yourself. It is about energy. Feeling and controlling your own energy as well as other people's energy. From there comes the ability to take action, respond and anticipate movements.
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Posted Mar 8, 2024

Bring balance and homeostasis in people's lives. Every dis-ease and so called problem we have derives from being out of balance in some area of our life.






Brand Designer

Graphic Designer

Product Designer

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