
Jack Roybal

Backend Engineer
Frontend Engineer
Web Developer

Relive is a clone of Airbnb, a complete web application where users can create, review and book spots.

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Technologies Used








Spots Page

Spot Details Page

Create a Spot Page

Getting started

Clone this repository:

2. Install dependencies into the Backed and the Frontend by making a terminal for each one and then run the following:

npm install

3. Create a .env file using the .envexample provided

4. Set up your database with information from your .env and then run the following to create your database, migrate, and seed:

npx dotenv sequelize db:create

npx dotenv sequelize db:migrate

npx dotenv sequelize db:seed:all

5. Start the app for both backend and frontend using:

npm start

6. Now you can use the Demo User or Create an account

Amazon Web Services S3

For setting up your AWS refer to this




Users can create a Spot

Users can read/view other Spot

Users can update their Spot

Users can delete their Spot


Users can create Reviews on Spots

Users can read/view all of the Reviews on a Spot

Users can delete their Review(s) on a Spot


Logged in users can can create a booking at a spot

Logged in users can read all of their bookings

Logged in users can update their booking at a spot

Logged in users can delete/cancel their booking

API Routes

This web app uses the following API routes to dynamically update the page to create a single-page-app-like feel for the user for specific features.


POST /api/spots/:spotId/bookings

Purpose: Create a booking from a Spot based on the Spot's ID

Return: {"id": 1,"spotId": 1,"userId": 2,"startDate": "2021-11-19","endDate": "2021-11-20","createdAt": "2021-11-19 20:39:36","updatedAt": "2021-11-19 20:39:36"}

GET /api/spots/:spotId/bookings

Purpose: Get all the Bookings for a Spot based on the Spot's ID

Return: {"Bookings": [{"spotId": 1,"startDate": "2021-11-19","endDate": "2021-11-20"}]}

POST /api/spots/:spotId/reviews

Purpose: Create a Review for a Spot based on the Spot's ID

Return: {"review": "This was an awesome spot!","stars": 5,}

GET /api/spots/:spotId/reviews

Purpose: Get all Reviews by a Spot's ID

Return: {"Reviews": [{"id": 1,"userId": 1,"spotId": 1,"review": "This was an awesome spot!", . . . }]}

GET /api/spots/current

Purpose: Get all Spots owned by the Current User

Return: {"Spots": [{"id": 1, "ownerId": 1, "address": "123 Disney Lane" . . . }]}

POST /api/spots/:spotId/images

Purpose: Create an Image for a Spot based on the Spot's ID

Return: {"url": "image url", "preview": true}

GET /api/spots/:spotId

Purpose: Get details of a Spot based on the Spot's ID

Return: {"id": 1, "ownerId": 1, "address": "123 Disney Lane" . . . }

DELETE /api/spots/:spotId

Purpose: Delete a Spot based on the Spot's ID

Return: {"message": "Successfully deleted"}

PUT /api/spots/:spotId

Purpose: Edit a Spot based on the Spot's ID

Return: {"id": 1, "ownerId": 1, "address": "123 Disney Lane" . . . }

POST /api/spots

Purpose: Create a Spot

Return: {"address": "123 Disney Lane", "city": "San Francisco", . . . }

GET /api/spots

Purpose: Get all Spots

Return: {"Spots": [{"id": 1, "ownerId": 1, "address": "123 Disney Lane" . . . }]}


POST /api/reviews/:reviewId/images

Purpose: Create an Image for a Review based on the Review's ID

Return: {"id": 1,"url": "image url"}

GET /api/reviews/current

Purpose: Get all the Reviews of a Current User

Return: {"Reviews": [{"id": 1,"userId": 1,"spotId": 1,"review": "This was an awesome spot!", . . . }]}

PUT /api/reviews/:reviewId

Purpose: Edit a Review based on the Review's ID

Return: {"id": 1,"userId": 1,"spotId": 1,"review": "This was an awesome spot!", . . . }]}

DELETE /api/reviews/:reviewId

Purpose: Delete a Review based on the Review's ID

Return: {"message": "Successfully deleted"}


DELETE /api/bookings/:bookingId

Purpose: Delete a Booking based on the Booking ID

Return: {"message": "Successfully deleted"}

PUT /api/bookings/:bookingId

Purpose: Edit a Booking based on the Booking ID

Return: {"id": 1,"spotId": 1,"userId": 2,"startDate": "2021-11-19", . . . }

GET /api/bookings/current

Purpose: Get all of the Current User's Bookings

Return: {"Bookings": [{"id": 1,"spotId": 1,"Spot": { . . . } . . . }]}


DELETE /api/spot-images/:imageId

Purpose: Delete a Spot Image based on the Spot Image ID

Return: {"message": "Successfully deleted"}


DELETE /api/review-images/:imageId

Purpose: Delete a Review Image based on the Review Image ID

Return: {"message": "Successfully deleted"}


POST /api/users

Purpose: Create/Sign up a User

Return: {"id": 1,"firstName": "John","lastName": "Smith", . . . }


POST /api/session

Purpose: Login a User

Return: {"user": {"id": 1,"firstName": "John", . . . }}

GET /api/session

Purpose: Returns the information about the current user that is logged in.

Return: {"user": {"id": 1,"firstName": "John", . . . }}

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