Analyzing COVID-19 World Data with SQL

Anthony Remichris

Data Analyst
Microsoft Excel

Analyzing COVID-19 World Data:

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact worldwide, and data analysis has played a crucial role in understanding its spread and impact. In this project, I delved into Covid-19 world data using SQLite. I collected, cleaned, and analyzed data related to the pandemic's progression, infection rates, and other relevant metrics. By employing SQLite for data manipulation and visualization, I aimed to offer a comprehensive view of the pandemic's dynamics, helping stakeholders, healthcare professionals, and researchers make informed decisions.

Throughout this project, I maintained a transparent and well-documented workflow, making it accessible for others to understand and reproduce the analysis. My GitHub repository serves as a valuable resource for accessing the project's source code, datasets, documentation, and any other resources pertinent to these endeavors.

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