Schillzzz on Twitch (pre-launch process)

Alexandru Talpoș

Brand Designer
Affinity Designer
Affinity Photo
Schillzzz is a fun, personal project, created to help me and my audience have more fun while I stream on Twitch with friends.

About the brand:

The idea of the name came from combining "skills" with "chilly", because "I'm cold with those plays" and of course, with the main concept, the "chilli".
Now, let's give him a personality. (this step is relevant for the animation process) Schilly is a sarcastic pepper that tends to rage (for the content). He stays in a cube of ice to cool his temperament and stay focused. At major events the cube melts so Schilly can reach his true potential.

The logo:

The logo and the typeface were created using simple shapes and should offer the viewer a grungy feeling. I wanted to make the logo suggestive and minimalist, so the image shows a pepper in a cube of ice. The typeface depicts the name "Schilly" melting, indicating the heated atmosphere induced by competitive gaming. It also was designed to look almost 3d or cartoonish.

Colors and typography

I choose Twitch-related colors I can use to create the graphic elements I need. The primary colors are the following:
The selection process was based on contrasts and usability. The purple background is a Twitch reference. Also, I use purple lighting in my streaming room to help the audience connect me with Schilly. (another example in this matter would be designing clothes for Schilly that I actually wear while streaming.)

Social Media:

Ok, cool, but let's see some brand-in-action content. (I hope you enjoy the The Shining and Fortnite references :D)
Since all the elements are custom-made, you can always add cool emotes for your audience.

Thanks for watching!

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