Onboarding email

Christopher Valentine




Creative Writer

Google Docs

Microsoft Word

Hi Vivi,
Welcome to the Dynamo Comics family! You've successfully signed up for the free e-newsletter about any and all updates in the world of heroes!
You're about to discover an all-new world of adventure and grand feats of heroism.
To get started, we've sent you the Galaxy Navy Volume One. It chronicles the humble beginnings of the brave, young heroes. And expect to get monthly issues of the Dynamo Heroes Magazine.
In it, you'll learn about secret facts and details about characters and events. And the future of your favorite heroes!
Including what new projects entail! For example, new characters in the universe.
You can decide which ones get a series! So, please participate in our reader survey at the back of the book.
Expect your reading package at the end of every month.
I can't wait to get started, so please watch your inbox!
Thanks again,
Christopher valentine
P.S. I can't wait until you start reading the exploits of a young heroine in this month's issue. I don't want to spoil it, but rest assured, the wait will be worth it!
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Posted Apr 7, 2024

This is a practice email I wrote for my future comic book publisher. I want to make sure customers know I value them, and the type of stories they can expect.








Creative Writer

Google Docs

Microsoft Word

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