Test & Go Vending Machines

Doug Wood


Cloud Infrastructure Architect

Software Architect

Healthcare IT Support Specialist

Google Cloud Platform


What is it?

(Note I did not build this website I built the software on the machines and the connection to the clinical labs)
Test & Go kiosk are smart vending machines that dispense laboratory tests and over-the counter medical tests and healthcare products. At each location patients can dispense tests such as HIV, Covid-19, pregnancy test, fentanyl test strips etc. The product configuration and the customer required questionaries change depending on the product selected. The samples are deposited in a temperature controlled compartment which are then sent to the lab for processing. In the event of a lab-tested specimen the patient receives a secure link to their results through text or email (one time password).
Thousands of the kiosks are in use today by Federal, State and local governments as well as schools and businesses across the country.

What was my involvement?

I was the sole developer on the project. I worked with my clients and the vending machine manufacturer to design and build a patient experience that is as frictionless as possible. Given the constraints of the machines (kiosks) we had to build and experiment with many approaches.
The project consists of three separate applications:
1) The touch-screen web application that displays on the kiosks (kiosk app). The kiosk app and gives commands to the vending machine itself through API calls since the app is running the in cloud. In the event a user selects a test type that must be sent to a lab the required patient information is collected and transmitted to lab.
2) An admin portal (web application) that allows admin users to control what the product choices are, and what the patient flow will be, for each machine. Admin users can also add remove other Admins, add Customer preferences and take machines offline.
3) A pre-registration app for patients who want to use their phone to make their selection / enter their information - allowing them to simply walk up to a machine with a QR code to dispense immediately.
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Posted Jun 1, 2024

Smart vending machines used by the Federal, State and local authorities to provide quick access to lab test, over the counter tests and other medical supplies.






Cloud Infrastructure Architect

Software Architect

Healthcare IT Support Specialist

Google Cloud Platform


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