Outsourced Chief Investment Officer Due Diligence Platform

Doug Wood

Web Designer
Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer
Google Cloud Platform
North Pier

What is it?

North Pier Search Consultants conduct more Outsourced Chief investment Officer (OCIO) searches than anyone else. Any OCIO that is interested in being invited to RFPs fills out their firms profile with North Piers Due Diligence Questionnaire.
The application allows North Pier to automate the previously laborious task of compiling, standardizing and comparing 100s of questionnaire each year. Not only does it save them time and money, it provides a higher level of service and professionalism vs their competition who still send out paper questionnaires and ask for the same information each year.

Screenshots (names redacted)

What was my contribution?

I have been the sole developer on the project since the beginning. I worked with a designer a long the way. The web app consists of a user facing questionnaire (100+ questions), a profile page and an automated reminder system. An admin portal where OCIOs can be compared and studied and reports can be generated for clients.
The application is hosted on Google Cloud and has been in production since 2017. The application's database updates Big Query.
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