CleanBaskettt: Laundry and ironing services

Divya Saxena

UX Designer
Product Designer
UI Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe XD

Tutedude Desiznathon - CleanBaskettt

Tutedude 48hr Design Hackathon (4th - 6th Aug) Problem Statement - to address the unavailability of laundry and ironing services in tier 1/2 cities for hostel, PG and flat residents, etc. Collaboration in Creativity: I was thrilled to clinch 2nd place in the 48-hour design hackathon with my talented teammates Chaithanya Rao R, Tulina Abraham, and Ujwala. Tutedude organized the hackathon. Our design journey was a fusion of passion, teamwork, and sleepless nights. Here's to turning ideas into innovation! 🚀🎨 #DesignHackathon #TeamEffort #SecondPlaceVictory

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