Hem - Empowering fleet management with flexible budgets

Adrian Stoian

UX Designer
Design Systems
UI Designer

I was hired by Tamoil to design an application, “HEM My Card,” specifically for small-scale enterprises.

This platform offers a monthly budget for the company's fleet, allowing employees to refuel at any Tamoil petrol station in Germany.

For companies facing budgetary constraints, the application includes a borrowing feature to ensure continuous operations, with amounts rolling over month-to-month.

UX Laws
UX Laws
Working process flow
Working process flow
Define layout or low fidelity wireframes
Define layout or low fidelity wireframes
Login wireframe
Login wireframe
Login UI Design
Login UI Design
Cards define layout or low fidelity wireframe
Cards define layout or low fidelity wireframe
Cards high-fidelity wireframe
Cards high-fidelity wireframe
Cards UI Design with multiple versions
Cards UI Design with multiple versions
Design System documentation
Design System documentation

Stakeholder Collaboration: Initiated calls with stakeholders to understand project expectations and objectives.

Discovery Phase: Conducted 15 calls with prospective small businesses to uncover their needs and pain points.

Information Gathering & Organization: Aggregated and structured data from the discovery phase for clear insights.

Data Handling: Parsed and refined JSON files to present the most pertinent information, ensuring a streamlined user experience.

Wireframe Development: Created comprehensive wireframes as the foundational blueprint for the application.

Moodboard Compilation: Compiled a moodboard to capture diverse styles and aesthetics for a B2B application.

Design System Establishment: Established a design system for consistency, documenting each component with accessibility guidelines.

UI Design: Created distinct UI designs for each page based on the design system.

Interactive Prototype: Developed an interactive prototype to visualize the user journey.

Testing & Iteration: Used the prototype in usability tests, gathered feedback, and made modifications to enhance the user experience.

Interested in collaborating with me? stoian.adrian91@gmail.com
Interested in collaborating with me? stoian.adrian91@gmail.com
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