Gen Z Yellowpaper

Sandra Salvatierra

Content Writer
Creative Director
Marketing Strategist
Copy Writing
Yoast SEO

Overview 🔎

JUV Consulting, the top Generation Z marketing agency, looked to launch its inaugural white paper series, Gen Z Yellowpapers.

Problem & Solution 🤝

What trends were key marketing leaders concerned about in regards to Gen Z behavior? Let's use our in-house Gen Z research network and content team to translate trends into actionable takeaways for brands trying to target young people.

Process 🛣

As Senior Director of Brand, I compiled the top-performing blog posts from JUV's website connected to four major content pillars: work culture, sustainability, social impact, and travel. Each blog post included a research survey with 100s of Gen Z responses. The creative team centered in on the Gen Z Yellow concept, the generation's version of Millennial Pink. This color-centric design imbued youth, hope, and hunger.

Results 🎁

We rolled out the first Gen Z Yellowpaper to over 3,000 business leaders and marketing professionals connected to JUV's email list. Brands were hungry for more. JUV is slated to roll out four more Yellopapers for the rest of 2022.

Takeaways 📣

While Gen Z is known for its short-term attention span, Gen Z is more than capable of producing long-form research content designed for a B2B marketing audience.


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