First Period Book Set

Aradhya Kapoor


Digital Marketer

Product Marketer

Product Researcher

Facebook Ads

Instagram Ads

Creating User Stories

Created user stories to understand to understand the pain points of mothers with pre-teen daughters who are about to get their first period. Also cold called 500+ previous customers, conducted surveys to collect feedback in order to understand about what problems a mother of pre-teen faces.
Problems are enlisted as- how to explain periods of daughter, what all topics to cover while providing period information so as to not overload her with information and when is right time to talk to her about periods.

Facebook Ad Campaign

Created ad copies with ad creatives accordingly about those problems and solution- our product- First Period Kit.
Had used this Funnel to increase the sales of product- Brand Awareness for First Periods, Engagement followed by Conversions.
ran an awareness campaign to increase the reach and impressions for product resulting in 2000+ visitors daily. Ad copies which were not yielding results were removed after 3rd day.
Engagement campaigns were conducted to understand if mothers were watching our video ads(play through 3sec till 15sec atleast),or if they were liking or commenting on the video, single image ads.
Next we shifted to conversion- for this we retarget audience who had engaged with prevous video or single images with different ad creative with relatable ad lines to hit their pain points. Budget was also raised as per the requirement. Also, we created customer look-alike audience as our target too.
Overall daily visitors became-2000+; with an average sales of 800 orders.
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Posted Apr 7, 2023

Ran Facebook AD campaigns targeting mothers based in Tier 1 cities which led to 5000 website visitors daily, 1500+orders and doubled social media followers.








Digital Marketer

Product Marketer

Product Researcher

Facebook Ads

Instagram Ads

Boosting Sales through Facebook ad campaign & content creation
Boosting Sales through Facebook ad campaign & content creation
Boosting Sales Through Facebook Ads
Boosting Sales Through Facebook Ads
Research and Content Writing
Research and Content Writing