Stripe API Integration

Soren Singh Dary

Backend Engineer
Software Architect
Software Engineer
  1. Stripe Integration:
    • Integrated Stripe API for processing credit card payments, including tokenization and secure handling of sensitive payment data.
    • Support for various payment methods, such as credit cards, debit cards, and alternative payment options.
    • Handling of one-time purchases, recurring subscriptions, and refund processes.
  2. Checkout and Payment Flow:
    • User-friendly checkout experience with a streamlined payment flow.
    • Integration of Stripe's secure payment form or custom payment form for capturing payment details.
    • Handling of payment intents and confirmation of successful payments.
    • Display of relevant payment status and error messages to users.
  3. Customer Management:
    • Ability to create and manage customer records within the Stripe dashboard.
    • Handling of customer subscriptions and recurring billing.
  4. Caching and Session Management with Redis:
    • Utilization of Redis for caching frequently accessed data, such as product information and user sessions.
    • Efficient handling of user sessions and authentication using Redis for improved performance.
    • Caching of Stripe API responses to reduce redundant requests and improve response times.
  5. Error Handling and Logging:
    • Robust error handling mechanisms for Stripe API errors and payment-related exceptions.
    • Comprehensive logging and monitoring of payment transactions for troubleshooting and auditing purposes.
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