Soren Singh Dary
I can tell something about my later work on a new in-house framework. This framework sums up all of my skills and experience as .NET Developer.
The key features of the new framework:
.NET core 8 with minimal API endpoints
Versioning with Nuget packages
Performance improvements using Span and Memory
Usage of source generators for JSON serialization, logging and object mappings
Domain driven design and clean architecture with CQRS
Added fluent validation, concurrency retries with Polly integrated into CQRS pipeline
Background jobs with Hangfire
Service to service communication with gRPC for request response cases
Eventual consistency with integration events and Mass Transit with Rabbit Mq
Using Azure services like key vault and blob storage
Payment service with Stripe integration
Rate limiting of endpoints
Integration testing package using test containers and DB respawn
Efficient and fast PDF generation with QuestPDF
Efficient Excel table generation with OpenXML using the stream writing API
Template engine that uses Liquid and Fluid library
Setup of a docker compose for local development