Enterprise Application Framework with .NET Core

Soren Singh Dary

Backend Engineer
Software Engineer

I can tell something about my later work on a new in-house framework. This framework sums up all of my skills and experience as .NET Developer.

The key features of the new framework:

  • .NET core 8 with minimal API endpoints
  • Versioning with Nuget packages
  • Performance improvements using Span and Memory
  • Usage of source generators for JSON serialization, logging and object mappings
  • Domain driven design and clean architecture with CQRS
  • Added fluent validation, concurrency retries with Polly integrated into CQRS pipeline
  • Background jobs with Hangfire
  • Service to service communication with gRPC for request response cases
  • Eventual consistency with integration events and Mass Transit with Rabbit Mq
  • Using Azure services like key vault and blob storage
  • Payment service with Stripe integration
  • Rate limiting of endpoints
  • Integration testing package using test containers and DB respawn
  • Efficient and fast PDF generation with QuestPDF
  • Efficient Excel table generation with OpenXML using the stream writing API
  • Template engine that uses Liquid and Fluid library
  • Setup of a docker compose for local development
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