According to the Oxford dictionary, art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. Art is a discussion between the artist and anyone who will later interact with the piece, whatever that may be. In the discussion of art people usually mention painting, sculpting, or other forms of visual art, and rarely is fashion mentioned. The earliest humans began wearing clothes to protect themselves from the harsh conditions of the ice age, however, since then clothing has evolved into much more than a just necessity. Through the course of time fashion has developed its own personality. When looking at pictures from years ago you are able to identify which time period based on how people are dressed, and even further what those people may have been like, and the same goes for today.. Fashion has become so versatile in its functions, and its modes, the same way we have multiple forms of painting, fashion has given us styles and trends that people use to express themselves through the designer's original expression of the clothes. Designers have created empires entirely centered around clothing, the same way artists paint on a canvas, designers work with the naked body as their own, and create expressive clothing that others are left to interpret.Fashion is an art because of its reactive longevity, the expression by the designer and because of the millions of people who use clothes as an expression of themselves.