About Vanguard
You’re welcomed by a simple yet informative homepage with beautiful animations. The platform is built on the new Story protocol (currently on testnet). Here, you can swap, deposit, and withdraw from pools. We also have a faucet for all tokens available on the platform.
Development process
Created the layout according to the design. (Includes animation from Rive)
2. Set it up a wallet connection tool and other tools for crypto interaction.
3. Localization was set up using dynamic pages.
4. Connected smart contract to the platform. And develop logic for swap, deposit and withdraw (in pool).
5. Connected Database and API (from Story scan) to view balances, pools and other tools.
6. Refactored and tested
Stack used
Next.js 14
Tailwind CSS
Wagmi (Library Web3)
Tanstack Query
Rainbow Kit (Library Web3)