Digital Ethnography in The Healthcare Space

Tony Fahmy

Brand Strategist
Market Researcher
Google Slides

The Task 🔎

Do research and find insights on patient and clinician perspectives on holistic medicine for one of the biggest hospital service providers in the space (name withheld because of an NDA)


Use a wide variety of research methods to dig deep into online communities, where patients and providers are more likely to be open and honest about their feelings towards holistic medicine. And don't simply read surveys and white papers. Scour Reddit threads, YouTube comments sections, and Discord groups for the real stories and anecdotes that provide the most valuable insight.

Methodology 🛣

Dozens of hours of hands-on research in every corner of the internet, from industry white papers to Discord servers
Another few hours of distilling, whiteboarding, and analyzing so we could properly interpret what the data was saying
And finally, building a short and sharp deck (using the client's own color palette of course) that neatly packages our findings and recommendations

Results 🎁

The client who had contracted us to do this work saw our research, and immediately changed her approach to the blog article she was writing to incorporate her findings.
Her company is now a recurring client.


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