Ad Funnel Understanding & Implementation

Angad Singh

Data Analyst
Product Data Analyst
Google Analytics


Design a funnel of how you would layout tracking and what you would measure at each step


Ad Funnel
Ad Funnel
Awareness & Intent (Top Funnel): The objective in this stage of the funnel is to ensure visibility and to attract more viewers to take action on the page using the dedicated ‘Post a job for free’ button
Mid Funnel: The objective at this step is to provide enough information to help users to continue with their intent to post a job and to help and encourage them to get there.
Bottom Funnel (Decision Making): This is where an interested user becomes a registered user. It would be an essential step as a registered user has much stronger intentions to post a job. Once we have their registration details, it will also help give us a way to market them in case they drop off the flow.
Post Conversion (Retention) (BE Tracking): The objective after conversion is to understand the behavior of the users to come up with better retention strategies.
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